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Arts and Spiritual Growth



Music is a vital part of our worship life and our spiritual formation.  The St. Matthew's Choir helps to lead the worship community in congregational singing and provides choral musical offerings in the service.  Choir members also serve as cantors to lead chanting in worship, and offer solo and small group musical offerings in worship. Choir meets and rehearses at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights in the sanctuary, and again at 9:30am Sunday mornings. The choir meets from September through mid-June.  


For more information about the choir, contact us: 


Scripture by Heart and Liturgical Movement

Do you like to recite poetry? Act? Do Improv? Write?  
Several times a year creative members develop innovative and artful ways of presenting and commenting on Scripture readings including Biblical storytelling, guided meditation, Improv with parables, drumming with scripture, or liturgical dance--even acro.  The possibilities are limited only by your Spiritual imagination.  


To participate in this ministry, contact:


Adult Forum

Adult Forum meets every Sunday from 12pm to 1pm in the Timothy Stocks Fireside Room.  We gather to study the Bible and significant theological ideas.  Coffee and donuts too.


For information about current topics, contact:
or consult our Facebook page


Feminine Sacred Circle

Feminine Sacred Circle has met at St. Matthew's since 2007. Initially, the group began as a counter-balance to the patriarchal emphasis of our Christian tradition stressing how, as Mao Zedong stated, "women hold up half the sky." As we have explored faiths and perspectives from around the world including Marianne Williamson, we've taken trips to join in meditation at the Self-Realization centers around L.A., experience sonic healing at the Disney Family Cancer Center. We've chimed during worship and invited speakers to lead discussion about Muslims for Progressive values, breathing + chakra energy with Amber Keating   and the Swedish theologian/mystic, E. Swedenborg, thanks to Bishop Guy Erwin. We have also volunteered and raised funds for LSS programs with Open Mic Night events and the Holiday Toy Drive.  


What's next?  We are excited about the LSS upcoming Circles that will be unveiled in the next few months. Please join us if this small group focus resonates with you and/or you have other ideas for consideration!


For more information, contact Melanie Ronning:


Open Mic Nights

Several times a year the incredibly talented members and friends of St. Matt's put on a cabaret-style open mic night. Singers, dancers, poets and writers, actors and comedians share their gifts to raise money for different non-profit partners or causes such as Get On the Bus and Lutheran Social Services.  


Check our calendar for our next event or email for more info!

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Learn about our worship, our ministries and receive notes from the Pastor 

11031 Camarillo Street
North Hollywood, CA 91602

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