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Image by Hannah Busing

Sharing Hands Deaf Ministry

St. Matt's is committed to proclaiming God's grace and creating faith community with persons who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

Sharing Hands, St. Matt's Deaf ministry, offers safe space, spiritual formation, worship and service to persons who are Deaf and hard-of-hearing as well as family members, friends and allies. 

ASL Group

About Our Sharing Hands Deaf Ministry

Due to the caronavirus, St. Matt's worship services are currently offered via live stream on our website and Facebook page: @stmatthewsnoho.  An ASL interpreter is present and included in the livestream "picture in picture."  Deaf and hard-of-hearing members regularly assist with worship as well.

When we are able to reopen for live worship we anticipate resuming our regular Sharing Hands worship schedule.  The 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of each month, St. Matt's offers an All-ASL (American Sign Language) worship service for those using the language of the Deaf at 10:30 AM in the Mary Magdalene Chapel.  The 1st and 3rd Sundays have ASL-interpreted worship services in the main Sanctuary.  


During the Spring, in the season of Lent, St. Matt's Deaf community takes "spiritual formation field trips" to different retreat centers, Deaf ministries, and Deaf events in the area.  


National Lutheran and Ecumenical Deaf Ministry

Sharing Hands Deaf Ministry are active leaders in the ELCA Lutheran national Deaf ministry, ELDA (Evangelical Lutheran Deaf Association) and founders of a new ecumenical Deaf ministry initiative called ELM--Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist--Deaf Ministry.​

Want to know more about our Sharing Hands Deaf Ministry?


Please contact Sharing Hands co-coordinators,

Chris Luna,

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