Worship at St. Matt's
We worship God with joy and creativity every Sunday at 10:30am. We also offer special services during special seasons of the church year like Lent, Holy Week and Easter, World Aids Day, and Christmas.

We come to worship “just as we are" and to encounter God and experience God's grace and hope.
Our worship has three important phases. At the start of our worship services, we often share words of confession and forgiveness that free us to experience God's boundless love for us. At the center of our worship are Bible readings and their interpretation in sermons that relate God's vision expressed in the Biblical texts to our lives and our world.
Our worship closes each week with Holy Communion, the sharing of the presence of Jesus Christ in bread (or rice wafer) and wine (or grape juice). God's forgiveness, God's Word, and God's presence renew us for what we are called to be and do the rest of the week.

We believe art and beauty are gifts from God, and we utilize the arts (especially music) to expand our experience and understanding of God. During the season of Lent, we offer a Wednesday evening arts-based prayer station worship.
Our Sunday worship follows traditional forms, juxtaposed with current issues and elements that give us a holistic experience of God. As an inclusive community that believes God is beyond gender, we are sensitive to what images and language we use to talk and represent God so that we can most fully convey how God is and acts.

At St. Matt's, everyone who comes to worship is welcome to the communion table, God's table, to receive God's grace in Jesus Christ. Children may commune at the wish of their parent, or may be brought to the altar for a blessing.
We offer worship for the Deaf every Sunday. On the first and third Sundays of the month, the worship is in the main church with ASL interpretation. On the second, fourth and fifth Sundays, there is an all-ASL service in our second floor Chapel at 10:30am.
We encourage comfortable attire!